
How To Set Time On Gms Pill Dispenser

TheGMS (Group Medical Supply) Pill Dispenser is designed to assist you improve your adherence to the medication regimen prescribed by your healthcare providers. It does that by helping to organize your medication; and remind you lot which pills to take and when to take them.

This production was included in a comparative analysis of the entire course of automatic pill dispensers. If you are not sure nevertheless whether this production is the 1 you need, that comparative evaluation should assist y'all sympathise which pill dispenser will work best for your life situation.

This product is cheaper, but has less features, than most of the products we reviewed in that work. It does NOT handle the organizing of the pills (the "filling") for yous. You lot demand to do that yourself. And it is limited to 28 "pill compartments", which means one calendar week of 4 doses per day for example. And it has very limited capability to track adherence or notify caregivers.

The utilise case that makes the near sense for this product is when i person has the task of "filling" a person's pill containers, and the person who needs those pills (the Dispensee) needs to be prevented from irresolute the medication, or taking the wrong medication at the incorrect time. And when either cost or simplicity is important. And when the medication regimen is fairly simple, and relatively unchanging.

Which Medications Tin can It Handle?

This production tin handle whatever "pills". Information technology is not suitable for liquids or medication that needs refrigeration, nor does it include ways to remind you of these medications "outside" the dispenser.

User Interface (UI)

Ane of the mutual scenarios in which these types of products volition exist used involve two unlike people. I, which we call the "dispensee", is the person who consumes the medication, and who needs to interface with the machine when it is time for the medications to be dispensed.

The second, which nosotros call the "filler", is the person who worries nearly putting the right medication into the system every calendar week or calendar month, and who sets up the "dispensing schedule" according to whatsoever schedule has been prescribed past the physicians of the dispensee.

In many scenarios, the filler will be a caregiver, or spouse, or adult kid of the dispensee. However at that place will also exist situations in which the dispensee also performs the job of the filler (i.e. when you worry about your own medication management instead of involving someone else).

This production operates rather like a conventional pill box, except that it is circular, and the Dispensee can non open up the individual pill compartments. The compartments inside the system rotate, so that the appropriate pills are always nether the "dispensing slot".

When it is fourth dimension for a "dose", information technology attracts your attention with flashing lights and noise. To "become the pills" you tip it forward, and take the pills for that dose from the dispensing compartment.

It has a companion "App" which can be used to programme the medication schedule. In the model we purchased, the App pairs with the system using Bluetooth and thus only works when your phone and the pill dispenser are near each other. In that location is a more expensive version that connects to the internet via WiFi, and for that version the App connects from anywhere (via the Cyberspace).

Programming Medication Schedule

The get-go step in using this production after setting it upward is to set up "alarms" that govern how often the product will manipulate pills. You can fix to half dozen alarm times per 24-hour interval, and you tin can do this either with buttons on the pill dispenser itself or via the App.

When each alert goes off, the pill box internal machinery rotates and allows the next "pill group" to be accessed.

Once you have set the alarms, you need to put the appropriate pill groups into the correct slots in the machine.

Limits on Complexity of Regimen

You tin have up to half-dozen "dose times" per day, and at each dose time you can have multiple pills, governed by the size of each pill container compartment. See "Capacity" beneath.

Filling (Putting Pills into the Device)

In our opinion, how well the product handles the "filling" step is a key differentiator between various pill dispenser systems and smart pill boxes. This product works just like a conventional pill box equally far as filling is concerned.

How Filling Happens

You use a fundamental to "unlock" the lid to the product, which lifts up and exposes a bicycle of pill compartments. You manually identify the appropriate pills for each dose into the different compartments. Getting the right pill in the correct place is entirely upward to whoever has the role of "filler".

For straightforward medication regimens, this is not so complicated. For regimens where each dose needs different groups of pills, we recollect it would be easy to brand a mistake with this type of production (no more so with this product than with conventional pill boxes of form).

Filling the GMS Medication Dispenser

Caption: GMS Pill Dispenser being filled.


The production has 28 pill compartments, and so could handle one dose per day for a month, four per day for a week and and then on. It can handle as many as 6 alarms per day. Each "compartment" tin can take up to fifteen of the "standard" pills (1) nosotros used to compare chapters in our evaluation.

Product Doses /day Pill "compartments" Standard Pills / compartment Total pill chapters
GMS 6 28 14 392

See Automatic Pill Dispensers: Hands-on Evaluations for a chart with "capacity" comparisons between this and the competing products.

Medication Database, Scanner

This product does not take these features.

Early / Late / Missed Doses / Flexibility

If you "miss" a dose, or need to take doses out prior to the correct dose time, the options are a flake limited. If you have the Caregiver "key", you can easily open upwards the compartments and have pills out manually.

Separation between Dispensee and Filler Roles

One of the cardinal "features" of this production, compared to a conventional pill box, is that the "Dispensee" can not get into the pill box to adjust medication, or to take any medication other than that appropriate for the specific dose fourth dimension. So for situations where a clean separation is needed between Dispensee and Filler roles, this product does a good job of accomplishing that.

Physical & Cerebral Impairments

For someone with reasonably adept cognition, and no huge physical impairments, we thought this production was very piece of cake to apply. Only we question the do good over a conventional pill box for that person.

This product appears to exist specifically designed for situations in which people with impaired cognition need a way to take their medications (with someone else doing the "filling").

For people with tremor, poor eyesight, or astringent arthritis, we did not meet whatever especial problems.

"Time to Refill"

In that location are no clever features to assist remember to refill.

Set Up & Connectivity


This product does not connect to the Internet. Information technology does connect via Bluetooth to its companion "App". Pairing the production and the App was straightforward.

There is a more expensive version of the product that has WiFi connectivity, which should let better notifications to caregivers. We did not evaluate the WiFi version.

General Setup

Setting the system upward for the first fourth dimension requires turning it on, and pairing "your" production with the App, or setting up the alarms manually using buttons on the product. As "setup" routines go, it seemed fairly straightforward.

Portal or App

The App is quite limited in office. You lot can set or modify the six "alarms". And you tin see a "report" which records when various doses were taken. Information technology needs to exist close to the pill dispenser to work (due to Bluetooth connectivity).

Remote medication aligning

You cannot make whatsoever changes remotely.

Caregiver Monitoring

The product clearly has in mind the scenario of a caregiver or family member who is involved in helping to manage the medications of someone else (an older developed for example).

However, the App can NOT send notifications if the dispensee has not taken medication at the right fourth dimension. The WiFi version of the production claims to address this limitation, simply we did not test it.

Additional Features & Details

Security & Anti-tampering

Dispensee with Cerebral Harm

The pill compartments in the system itself are locked by a key. Adjusting medication schedules (the alarms) happens via the App, which can exist limited to Caregivers if that is advisable.

"Others" Using your Meds

There is a separate situation which some of the products in this category worry about. That is the situation in which the wrong person takes "your" pills. A topical case is in the case of opioids, for example, where you practise not desire others with admission to the house to exist able to take "your" opioids. As best we tin see, this production does NOT address this situation.

Hacking the System

Being unconnected to the Internet, this machine should be immune to nigh hacking scenarios.

Power & Battery Backup

The arrangement is powered past a battery. It tin also be plugged into a regular power outlet.

Vacations & Trips & Leaving the House

The relatively minor size of this product is a big advantage. Information technology would exist piece of cake to pack this in your carry-on or suitcase and take it with you.


The overall look and experience of the production is non besides ugly. It is reminiscent of other "pill boxes" in overall advent — plastic, relatively small-scale. It is by far the smallest of the products we evaluated in our "automatic pill dispenser" comparative evaluations. It even has a sort of "tech vibe" — with white and light-green color scheme, and lights.

It is a disc similar a flying saucer, with diameter well-nigh ix inches and height near 2-3 inches.


We bought this production in Q4 2022 on Amazon for roughly $80. The WiFi version was bachelor on Amazon for $200 in Q1 2022.

Manual, Support, Training

In that location is a (paper) "setup brochure". It seemed adequate, and mentions some videos on a website for extra tips.

Languages: Documentation and the interface seem to only come in "English language".


(1) The pill nosotros chose equally a standard was on the larger side actually. It was oblong in shape and roughly 17mm long by 7mm wide. So, to avert confusion, this is not "standard" in whatsoever widely acknowledged sense. Information technology is just what nosotros chose to use.


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